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About us

Being at home in both Zürich and Los Angeles, we offer a unique service to Swiss and American businesses seeking to scale in their home market, expand into a new one or improve their products to win and retain clients. 

Offering a comprehensive range of services, we give you the simplicity of working with one single partner while maintaining short distances and familiarity in interactions.

We provide user-centric digital design, development, and education for businesses wanting to scale their operations.

A rich tradition in design and innovation as well as meticulous craftsmanship are among Switzerland's most renowned qualities. At UXD Lab, we draw on these in marrying aesthetic and functional finesse. We strive to uphold Swiss quality standards with precision, reliability, and attention to detail ingrained into each deliverable.

Whether you are looking to grow your business in Switzerland, make the move across the big pond or simply appreciate Swiss quality, we're here to support.

Swiss precision

Image of the Zürich skyline

Meet UXD Lab

Expert in developing blueprints and products, converting user needs and building resilient companies. Design & tech aficionado. International Usability and UX Qualification Board (UXQB) certified. Mentor at Women in Web3. 

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Portrait Kristina Morf

Kristina Morf

Senior Experience Designer & Founder

Aino Halonen

Product Designer

Expert in crafting impactful user experiences through deep empathy and understanding.  Research & design whiz. Creating clarity and purpose in every interaction. 

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Portrait Aino Halonen

Untiring entrepreneurial spirit, ingenuity and a can-do attitude are central to the American character. We embrace these ideals wholeheartedly: Every challenge is an opportunity to develop creative solutions – be it for improving your product or helping you grow your customer base in a new and unfamiliar market.

If you are a Swiss company wanting to expand into the vast and exciting US market, we're more than happy to share our experience and help you navigate the road to America.

American ingenuity

Image of the Los Angeles skyline

Talk to someone new. Eat something you've never tasted before. Always stay open-minded. We believe a day without learning is a day wasted.



Whether news is good or bad, we always communicate openly. But we also pay attention to being kind and empathetic in the process.



We would rather learn from having gone too big than not knowing how big we could have gone. The entrepreneurial spirit runs in our veins and we hate wasting an opportunity.



We are in this together. We love bringing our expertise into your project – and combining it with yours. Diversity of experience and opinion is what great products are built upon.



We all stand on someone's shoulders. So we feel strongly about giving back to the community and supporting the next generation wherever we can.



A job worth doing is worth doing well. So yes, we will obsess over seemingly minor things – because they are what makes our work lasting and scalable.



Core principles

Contact us

Los Angeles


1045 Sanborn Avenue

Los Angeles, CA 90029



Rennweg 57

8001 Zürich

Vince Taylor 


Describe the team member here. Write a brief description of their role and responsibilities, or a short bio with a background summary.

Harold Colby


Describe the team member here. Write a brief description of their role and responsibilities, or a short bio with a background summary.

Tilly Evans 

Director, Legal & Operations

Describe the team member here. Write a brief description of their role and responsibilities, or a short bio with a background summary.

Richard Jones

HR Lead

Describe the team member here. Write a brief description of their role and responsibilities, or a short bio with a background summary.

Lucia Behar

Project Manager

Describe the team member here. Write a brief description of their role and responsibilities, or a short bio with a background summary.

Mark T. Wright

Sr. Project Manager

Describe the team member here. Write a brief description of their role and responsibilities, or a short bio with a background summary.

George Wood

Sr. Project Manager

Describe the team member here. Write a brief description of their role and responsibilities, or a short bio with a background summary.

Olivia Clarke

Lead Superintendent 

Describe the team member here. Write a brief description of their role and responsibilities, or a short bio with a background summary.

Nathan Wise

Marketing Manager 

Describe the team member here. Write a brief description of their role and responsibilities, or a short bio with a background summary.


Helena Suter

Innovation and Content Strategist

Expert in driving growth and transformation and developing cross-functional teams in Europe and the USA. Podcaster & wordsmith. Board Member at the Swiss-American Chamber of Commerce. 

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